Purchase recommended homeopathic remedies and natural foods at Simple Abundance in Red Wing and Sassafras Health Foods in White Bear Lake.

Gift Certificates available here: Printable or Gift Card mailed to you.

We are Members of:

Relaxing Spaces to Visit:

Additional Natural Alternatives:

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education.

NVIC provides assistance to parents whose children have suffered vaccine reactions; promotes research to evaluate vaccine safety and effectiveness as well as to identify factors which place individuals at high risk for suffering vaccine reactions; and monitors vaccine research, development, policy-making and legislation.

NVIC supports the right of citizens to exercise informed consent and make educated, independent vaccination decisions for themselves and their children.

Vaccines: Risks, Benefits, Choices
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s website for women’s health and vaccine information you won’t hear from your pediatrician.

Toxic Free Products (Very different from Non-Toxic!)
Penny Campriello  http://www.toxicfreejourney.com/  

Health & Nutritional Coaching:
Cathi Williams:  http://www.igniteyourvitality.com/

Business Coaches I love:
Ursula Mentjes: http://www.salescoachnow.com/
Rona Mlnarik:  http://kickassandflourish.com/

My Naturopath:
Michelle Ennsmann, DC, ND
http://cnmcare.com/   https://www.facebook.com/cnmcare/

My Holistic Vet:
Dr. Jessica Levy: http://www.holistic-vet-care.com/

My favorite bodyworkers:
Margi Sundell:  http://www.bodybalancetherapies.net/
Sandra Jones, rolfer: http://sandrajoneshealing.com/

Other natural practitioners:
Kim Julen, Feng Shui:  http://www.findingyourfiji.com/
Heather Nardi, flower essence therapy: http://www.heathernardi.com/
Michelle Powell, Feng Shui http://somelikeitorganized.com/welcome