Class Overview: In this 4-week class, you will explore the emotions and situations that prevent you from having the level of connection, communication, and felt-trust you want with friends and family members. You will also learn how to release emotions that become heightened when you think about past relationship situations. We will also explore how to regain a sense of intimacy in personal relationships. After all, stress can impact our hormonal systems and create a sense of disconnection, even when we still honor and respect our partner. Intimacy can be physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual, and each piece can be addressed and healed using EFT tapping.

Not only is tapping (a.k.a. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT) helpful for creating powerful connections and relationships, but these basic techniques can be applied to all emotional and stressful areas of your life.

Class 1

In Class 1 we learn to do EFT Tapping and how to apply it to everyday life. Relationships are great, but can involve communication challenges, disagreements, and fluctuations in connection.

Whether your relationship struggle is with family, your partner, or a coworker, Dawn will teach you to heal it using EFT tapping.The first one is where we will learn the basics and techniques of Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping.) The rest are sessions in which we will enhance our skills and get confidence using the technique. Not only is tapping (a.k.a. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT) helpful for creating powerful connections and relationships, but these basic techniques can be applied to all emotional and stressful areas of your life.

PDF of Tapping Points


Class 2

We start Class 2 reviewing how to use tapping in your everyday life. We talk about Family and Friend relationships–what have we learned as children? How have our experiences formed us? What resources do we have, beyond EFT tapping, to keep ourselves regulated and stable when we encounter life’s struggles? Thank you to our demo, Chris, who shares a family struggle he is currently experiencing.

Class 3

In this class we go even deeper, talking about secondary gains (why you might not be able to clear an event) and beliefs that are deeper causes of the emotional charges and sensitivities in your life.

Class 4

In this class we discuss the loop of belief-attitude-behavior-result and how EFT Tapping can break that. I ask you to look at your marriage/ partnerships and beliefs on what a relationship should or could look like. I teach how to do affirmations and find the subconscious blocks under them. We end with a personal peace procedure and the offers for the next steps for your power.